Sometimes, when you’re in the middle of a pandemic, you need a book that’s adorable and fluffy (and sexy) to dive into. Because distraction.
Falling for her Brother’s Best Friend was the best kind of distraction.
It’s the story of Emma and Noah, who have known each other since they were kids – Noah, Emma’s brother, and a third guy became best friends at camp, and their mothers introduced their three younger sisters… who promptly became best friends too. Of course, things have changed. Noah left town for college and work and hasn’t been back since, while Emma (who’s been happily living in the same town they grew up in) has been having a bit of a hard time with dating total duds.
So she’s trying to avoid men and he thinks he’s going to leave… perfect recipe for a romance, right?

Actually, it is.
Because as much as neither of them expects it, they can’t help but fall for each other.
I adored Emma and mostly liked Noah. (though I did roll my eyes a little at all the “I’m a terrible person who deserves nothing good!”) They were a great couple, and it was clear they’d been building toward this romance for years – and the teensy prequel in the bonus matter was utterly adorable and totally worth reading.
Also, I love tea shops, so all the descriptions of great tea and baked goods was a definite plus.

If you’ll pardon me, I need to go bake some scones right now. And tea sandwiches. And get some looseleaf…
Where was I?
Oh, of course.
I loved the larger cast, with all four of the friends (and Noah’s grandmother) being distinct characters. In fact, I liked the friends enough that I’ve since purchased the second book in the series… and fully intend to eventually get the third!

This was also one of the best edited indie pubbed books I’ve seen in a long time – I think I caught one error in the entire book, which is nothing.
And there were a couple of truly profound lines. …And a couple of super romantic ones. Which I was definitely not the only one to melt at – I could see the popular highlights!
All in all, it was a great read, with just the right amounts of adorableness and fluff, plus some very nice smut.
A definite five stars.

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