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Book Review: A Spoonful of Spice

I picked up A Spoonful of Spice because I was in the mood for something short but sweet – and boy did it deliver.

It’s the story of Josh and Cin, who both work in the same IT department, and how they become first friends and then more.

Honestly, the whole thing was adorable.

Just like, seriously adorable.

Josh and Cin were adorable as both friends and a couple, and the growth of their relationship was just perfect. I especially loved how Josh listened to Cin whenever she pointed out he was being accidentally sexist – and how he changed within the story.

It was so sweet and fluffy I swear it was made of marshmallows.

There was some conflict, but it all made sense – mostly related to either dealing with the fact that most IT departments are very masculine and putting a woman in there can cause issues (even though it shouldn’t, but…real world sucks sometimes) or the fact that they were coworkers and friends and even though they wanted to be more, chain of command is a thing.

My main complaint was that it wasn’t longer! I happily would’ve read another 50,000 words about this couple, but it was just a short story.

If you’re in the mood for sheer fluff, this book is a great choice.

All in all, it definitely gets

Five Stars

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