Operation Get Her Back is a sweet and sexy second chance romance which I thoroughly enjoyed.
It’s the story of Emma, who’s reluctantly returning to her hometown after a failed marriage and a temporary eviction, and Hunter, who’s always wanted her but thought he wasn’t worthy of her back when they dated the first time. They have to overcome their past – both together and apart – and figure out whether they can make it work.

I liked Hunter. (…Even if I keep managing to mistype that as Hunger…) He was a good guy who made a bad decision as a teenager, and, well, who doesn’t do that? Even then, it wasn’t entirely a bad decision, because leaving to join the military did turn him into the man he is today.
And his relationship with Isaac, the son of a friend from the army who died, was both adorable and very important to his character. And to the plot.

I really really liked Emma. She was definitely the one I connected to in this book. The way she’d moved on after Hunter left and tried to live her life – and even if things didn’t work out, she tried. I really liked her figuring out ways to survive and even thrive after everything she went through. In other words, I really liked her.
My one issue with the book was the amount that his family was super into the idea of them getting back together, to the point that they didn’t really think about what Emma in particular wanted. And honestly, they weren’t much better with Hunter.

And I do get why they wanted them to be happy, but there’s wanting and there’s actively interfering.
I didn’t have any problems keeping up with the characters despite this being the fourth book in a series – I was easily able to jump in. So that’s a major plus.
Taking off half a star for the pushy family, but gave it back for the super hot sex, so all in all this book gets
Five Stars

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