Scarlet Drake can’t resist a puzzle. And she’s got a doozy of one – find out what happened to $18 million dollars of artwork before the statute of limitations is up. Unfortunately standing in her way are two blindingly handsome and sexy stepbrothers, Michael Vandenberg and Sam Reed. As she grows closer to the men, she can’t help but feel torn between her duty to her client and the undeniable attraction she feels toward both men.

There’s a certain suspension of disbelief one has to have with this book. Three best friends all entering ménage à trois is a little far-fetched, but it doesn’t make the story any less fun. And it is fun. Scarlet is the sex-positive, intelligent, headstrong but still empathetic heroine we deserve. She knows who she is and what she wants and all of her conflicts come not from her flaws, but from her greatest strengths. Every woman needs their own Sam Reed. The man is sensitive, caring, a good cook, good with animals, and considerate in bed. He’s got aspects of both an alpha and beta male, and I honestly really liked him. Michael was fun, but I didn’t connect to him in the same way I did Sam. The overarching plot, find out what happened to the artwork, definitely drove the story. The hints toward the perpetrator were laid early on but still were surprising when actually revealed.

My biggest problem, and what ultimately knocked this down a star, was actually some of the sex. Specifically the anal sex. While I appreciated the author taking the time to mention that Scarlet had prepped herself in anticipation of having anal sex, that wasn’t enough. Proper lube was not used in several situations which had me wincing, not enjoying, those scenes, and there wasn’t enough preparation for one of the later acts… which was compounded by the lack of lube. The vaginal, oral, and foreplay were all well-written and hot. Which is why I was so disappointed with the later scenes.
Dammit authors, lubing up is a good thing. And the Anus is not a self-lubricating orifice. It’s just not!

Seriously, after a point I wanted to tell the heroine this. Because dude!
In all, I enjoyed this book. And am happy to give it: Four stars

*** I received an ARC through NetGalley.
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